
Dr. Sun received an internal faculty opportunity award

Dr. Sun received the Faculty Opportunity Award from the UNLV Office of Research. The project is titled “Developing Quasi-absolute Method in Photon Activation Analysis.” His mentor is Dr. Steen Madsen from the Department of Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences.

The UNLV Faculty Opportunity Awards Program provides internal support for the development of research with the potential for continued funding by extramural funding agencies, private foundations, or industry.

Funding is generously provided by the UNLV Research Foundation and the UNLV Foundation.

See details about this in the news at the UNLV website.

Dr. Sun received CRRSAA funding for developing a remote spectra collection system

Dr. Sun received one-time funding from the federal Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) to develop remote spectra collection system for nuclear sciences.

During the pandemic, the students and professors are suffered from the interruption of experimental activities, especially on experiments of radiation detection and measurements. Due to the social distance policy and laboratories’ limited capacity, the related experiments for teaching and research are mostly paused. In this project, Dr. Sun proposed to develop a remote spectra collection system at the radiation laboratories, which allows the students to obtain radiation spectra through the internet and remotely control the sample exchangers. The implementation of the project will benefit the teaching and research activities and reduce the personal in laboratories. It will support student’s success in completing the degrees on time in health physics, radiochemistry, and nuclear engineering at UNLV.

The HERD Group was initiated.

Recently, Dr. Zaijing Sun joined UNLV as an associate professor in the Department of Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences. He established the group of Heath, Environment, and Radiation Detection (HERD). The HERD group is dedicated to the research in nuclear activation analysis (NAA and PAA), medical isotope production, MC simulation of clinic LINACs, temporal data mining in nuclear decommissioning, and 3-D imaging in diagnostic sciences. 

Before joining UNLV, Dr. Sun was an assistant professor in the Nuclear Engineering Program at South Carolina State University. He had been a postdoc in the Nuclear Engineering Division at the Argonne National laboratory. His research interests include gamma-ray spectroscopy, Monte Carlo simulations, radiation physics, radioanalytical chemistry, temporal data mining (TDM) in nuclear decommissioning, and medical isotope production.