2024 May

Water sampling around Las Vegas

Danesha, Estafany, and Dr. Krishnakumar drove around the Las Vegas and collected water samples around Las Vegas. The sampling site include Lake Las Vegas, Las Vegas Wash, Lake Mead, etc. These water samples will be sent to UCI reactor and neutron irradation.

Honors: Haven Searcy

Haven Searcy (Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences) won the Junior Investigator Award and gave a presentation at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Council on Ionizing Radiation Measurements & Standards (CIRMS 2024). His submitted essay is titled “No nuclear fallout radioactivity was found on public zones around the Nevada National Security Site: A recent study“. The CIRMS recognizes the importance of supporting the careers of young investigators working in the fields of ionizing radiation measurements. Haven is a graduate student in the Environmental Health Physics program, the only ABET-accredited Health Physics Program in the Silver State.