Christina Hall successfully gave a presentation entitled “Assessing Air Pollution with Spanish Moss as a Bioindicator in the Low Country of Savannah River Basin “at the 29th Annual Meeting of CIRMS “Trusting Radiation Science: Measuring what cannot be seen”. Her study indicated the correlations between the concentration of heavy metals in Spanish Moss and the level of air pollution in the rural, low traffic, and high traffic area.
2022 April
Presentation: Zaijing Sun, Krishnakumar Divakar Nangeelil, Peter Dimpfl, and Christina Hall
Krishnakumar Divakar Nangeelil, Peter Dimpfl, Christina Hall and Zaijing Sun (all Health Physics & Diagnostic Sciences), along with colleagues from other institutions, recently presented papers at the On Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry (MARC-XII) in Kailua Kona, Hawaii.
Nangeelil, Hall, Sun, and Wesley Frey presented a paper, “Assessing Air Pollution with Spanish Moss as a Bioindicator in the Low Country of Savannah River Basin.”
Dimpfl, Nangeelil, Sun, and Mayir Mamtimin presented a paper, “Forgery Identification of Hetian Jade with Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA).”
Sun, Nangeelil, Qingseng Cai and Scott Lassell presented a paper, “Determining Trace Elements in Cottonseeds with Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA).”
Dimpfl and Hall are graduate students.